Column crane fixing system
Chemical bolts
The column can be fastened to the floor using chemical bolts, eventually using a counter-plate allowing better distribution of forces.
If you require further information, contact us.
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Foundation frame with anchorage bolts
The jib cranes are generally designed to be fixed to the ground using the foundation frame with anchorage bolts inserted in a foundation plinth.
If you require further information, contact us.
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Bracket crane fixing system
Fixing stirrups
This is used to fasten the bracket jib crane to a supporting pillar and is fitted with a pressure screw system which guarantees a better adhesion of the stay bolts to the pillar.
If you require further information, contact us.
Click here to download the technical data.
flexible pad vacuum lifter for concave or convex surfaces
jib cranes, manual or electrical rotation, column or bracket
Electric chain hoists
ideal complement for the lifting systems
Overhead lifting systems
allows handling of the loads above the working area